Sunday, August 22, 2010

An Update on My Mobile Monopoly Review

I’d like to start off this post with an apology. I jumped the gun with my past review and issued a positive recommendation without fully trying out the program. Well, I finally had a chance to put Mobile Monopoly’s methods to work and I was SEVERELY disappointed. I know I should have waited and for that I apologize.
In my original Mobile Monopoly post, I said I was worried about the program’s effectiveness because I’ve been following progress in mobile advertising and as far as I knew, it wasn’t profitable just yet. Then came Adam Horwitz with Mobile Monopoly and made the claims that mobile advertising was not only profitable, but insanely easy. Honestly, I’m a bit disappointed in myself because I usually never get wrapped up in hype and I should have trusted my gut instincts. I was excited and already planning my retirement when I first started my review. Things have quickly gone sour since.
I hate to report that I have no statistics to share with you, but keep reading and you’ll see why.

Adam’s “Proven” Campaigns

One of the biggest things that enticed me to the program was the fact that Adam offered to show you the exact profitable campaigns he’s ran in the past. I never entirely expected them to work as well as I thought he was going to advertise. I had thought that if he was giving away campaigns that once made money, they’re no longer profitable.
In my last post, I offered to sacrifice some money and follow one of Adam’s “proven” campaigns word for word, but this turned out to be a huge problem for many reasons.
Let’s get started.
First, Adam calls them proven campaigns, but there’s absolutely nothing proven AT ALL. I was expecting to see a few statistics about each campaign. You know click through rates, cost per click, conversion rates, earnings, ANYTHING AT ALL REALLY, but no. Adam offers nothing in terms of proof that these campaigns have made him money. Instead, each video is just Adam seemingly picking an affiliate offer at random and then shows you how to setup a campaign for it and THAT’S IT. Adam doesn’t even show you if the campaign was approved by the ad network! He just copies and pastes a bunch of text into different fields and calls it a proven campaign.
Okay, fine. Whatever.
For the sake of continuing I went with the assumption that Adam was a private guy and didn’t want to show his earnings as an affiliate for whatever reason. I really wanted some evidence for the review as to whether or not the program worked and was still going to test one of the seven campaigns. Unfortunately, four of the affiliate offers used for the proven campaigns no longer existed. Of the three remaining, two were negative option offers that I absolutely refuse to market. The only campaign left for me to promote was for the Shake Weight for Men. It was a less than ideal choice, but I promised you guys results.
I followed Adam’s process step-by-step. I used similar titles and pictures for my ads, targeted the same demographics, and bid the same amount of money. I submitted the ad and waited for AdMob to approve it. It took a few hours, but they finally responded with…
Unfortunately, we were unable to approve your ad for the following reason(s):
Issue: Content guidelines violation
Description: This ad was not approved because it violates our content guidelines. Please review AdMob’s content guidelines for more information.
Well that sucks. I thought it might have been my wording so I replaced the ad title with the exact one Adam used and resubmitted it. Again, it was disapproved. After asking some questions, I found out that the Shake Weight website is not mobile optimized and therefore wasn’t allowed to be advertised on the ad network and that was it for the “proven” campaigns. They didn’t work and there was never any proof that Adam has actually used them to make money.
It was very disappointing.

My Own Campaigns

The proven campaigns may not have worked, but I figured I’d try and start my own campaign. I picked a couple different offers, created ads, but they were ALL rejected. I was following Adam’s advice step-by-step and could not get an ad approved.
I started searching the web for answers and found a few forum discussions regarding Mobile Monopoly. Apparently a lot of people are having trouble getting ads approved and even if they managed to get an ad live, they fail to attract customers and make any money. There was one particular person who did manage to try out Adam’s proven campaign and ended up losing a lot of money.
To be honest, the disapproval of my ads was kind of a blessing. I’d rather like to keep my money instead of wasting it on someone else’s bad advice.

The Bottom Line

Adam Horwitz is really good at selling. A few months ago he released a different mobile marketing product call “Cell Phone Treasure.” It was another product that sold a ton, but user reports with the program claimed the methods just didn’t work. Apparently, Mobile Monopoly is just a rehash of that program with a few small changes.
His mobile marketing advice didn’t work then and it isn’t working now.
At no point in the entire program does Adam give any real concrete proof to mobile campaigns that work. To be honest, I don’t think Adam is making a lot of money, if any at all really, with mobile advertising. In his training videos, his affiliate earnings column is either $0.00 or a low number. This made me go back and recheck his sales page. All of the screenshots of his “earnings” are through Clickbank or Paypal. Adam never shows A SINGLE EARNINGS SCREENSHOT from any one of the mobile advertising platforms he recommends. If he was really making a fortune by doing this, don’t you think he’d want to show some proof? But alas, he offers nothing.
I really wanted to like the program, but in the end, it was just another over-hyped ClickBank product that offers little in terms of actual training. Adam frequently says that you “can make a killing” doing this or doing that but never gives ANY real direction. I paid Adam $77 expecting real training. Instead, what I got was some guy telling me it’s possible to make money through mobile advertising. That’s nice, but I really wanted something of use.
Don’t buy into the hype.
Stay away from Mobile Monopoly.

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