You've probably heard or read the term
"jobless recovery."

The jobs just aren't there. Without jobs, the people have little or no money to spend in the economy.
The economy is not going to recover until the people's ability to earn money recovers, and the vast majority of people earn their money through a job of some sort.
Yes, the unemployment number, through a process of magical statistical maneuvering, remains under the politically sensitive 10% number, but don't let the department of brainwashing fool you.
The U-3 unemployment number does not count anyone who is working part time as unemployed, even if that person wants a full time job and cannot find one.
If you were a mid level manager earning $80,000 per year and lose your job, then take a part time job at a fast food shop earning $9.00 per hour for a mere 20 hours per week ($180 per week x 52 = $9,360/year), you might consider yourself unemployed, but according to the government number crunchers, you have a job, therefore you are not unemployed.Nor does the formula include those people who exhaust their unemployment benefits, even if those people are still searching for a job, they are no longer officially counted as unemployed.
Also, the unemployment formula does not count anyone as unemployed if they haven't applied for a job in the last 4 weeks. It does not matter if there aren't any jobs to apply for, if a person hasn't applied, the formula says they are not "serious" about finding employment, and therefore they don't count as being unemployed.
The millions of college graduates every year who enter the job market for the first time but can't find a job, are they counted as unemployed? Nope. They don't count, either, since they don't qualify for unemployment compensation.
The same applies for the millions of high school graduates every year who don't go to college and directly enter the job market. They are not officially unemployed, either, even if they can't find a job.
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