Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Viral Video: Dr. Rima on Stopping S.510

More Details Below.

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Keep S. 510 from controlling our Food and Our Lives! Click here:

Dr. Rima on Stopping S.510

They say "no person's life, property or liberty are safe when Congress is in session..." and to that we must add, nor is our right to grow and use our own food, as families and communities. We are happy to report that some of our friends in the Freedom Movement, including Citizens for Health and Downsize DC have joined in S.510 Push Back, also setting-up S.510 Action Items urging their supporters to message the US Senate. We applaude their efforts and remind everyone that we need hundreds of thousands of emails flooding the Senate if we are to keep our Food Freedom! Please help by widely forwarding this eblast and Dr. Rima's hard-hitting S.510 video~

For more than a year, the plan to capture - and kill - clean, local, organic, independent and safe farming has been wending its way through Congress, supported by the party in control of the White House and Congress, as well as the too-big-to-fail AgraBiz industry.

Last year, the devastating HR 1279 passed the House, although working with patriots like Ron Paul, We the People put up a good battle, delaying it for quite a while. However, at the end of the day, a good battle followed by a loss is still a loss.

Then the field of battle shifted to the US Senate's version, S.510, where we've held the forces of Big Agra and Big Govt at bay for nearly a year...

During one memorable weekend in November 2009 over 150,000 emails to Senators tied the bill up in the HELP committee with its chairman, Senator Tom Harkin remarking about the "thousands" of emails. He promised that the (sic) food safety bill would not impose Codex Alimentarius restrictions in the USA.

We didn't believe him and when, in February, Senator McCain introduced the "companion" so-called "dietary supplement safety" bill, S.3002, we mobilized the Health Freedom "Mouse Warriors" and in one month and one day, and several hundred thousand emails, later the Senator was forced to withdraw support for his own bill, opining (and whining) that its major points could be covered by (hiss, hiss...) S.510!

Then in mid-July, the congressional majority leadership issued its "short list" of bills it wanted to push to passage before the August recess. The good news was: S.510 was not on the list!

The bad news is that the bill's handlers could "sneak it through" the Senate as a "unanimous consent" non-controversial matter when the Senate returns in September!

That is, unless opposing Senators put a "hold" on the bill, which means it cannot be treated as non-controversial. On the way to recess, the Senate HELP committee reported the bill out, without the amendment from Senator Tester that would have offered a bit of protection to family farms and ranches, home and community gardens, farmers markets...

Please send the Action Item below to your Senators, demanding that the "hold" the bill! How does a Senator do that? The Senator has one of his or her staff members call the staff of the Senate Cloak Room (yes, there still is a Senate Cloak Room, but now it has a staff! Ah, bureaucracy! The staff is responsible for non-controversial, unanimous consent bills. That's where this bad bill stops!

Health Freedom USA Trustees' Board Meeting
Estimate of Situation...


Part 1:
Part 2:

Just a Reminder:
Roger Mason's Outstanding "Uber Cartel vs. Peasants of the Dawn"
Won "First Prize" in our Music Video Contest!

Watch and Listen to Roger's music video of Dr. Rima's "March of the Uber Cartel".
This Exceptional Video is Worth Sharing Widely!

The Doctor is In...
The Grand Opening of the Dr. Rima Institute
At the Natural Solutions Center

Important New Blogs & Webinar Events:

Why Health Freedom IS Your Problem


Natural Solutions Foundation Presents P.E.L. Webinars and Seminar

[1] "How to Find Yourself... Map Included."
Nicholas Cremato, Life Integration Coach
Scheduled Date: September 19, 2010, NYC Area
Details and Introductory Video:

[2] We also present two important no-cost (to you!) live Webinars on September 7th using our new WebEx System that allows up to 200 participants to join Dr. Rima, Gen. Bert and Counsel Ralph on the Internet for a video and PowerPoint discussion of (1) Local Organizing [this event is especially important for those of you who asked for a Local Organizing eBook] at 9 PM Eastern and (2) Valley of the Moon Eco Community at 10 PM Eastern - See this page for details about how you can participate on your own computer:


Codex is about supression, repression, and death.

But there are other international organizations steadfastly working for food freedom, for health and for life.

Codex Push Back working on the international level; due to our work and your support, various countries and associations are becoming activated to protect safe food AND keeping America's food safe needs just such a global effort since our food has been internationalized... Now, the international community is taking us seriously, with a growing movement for Safe Food Push Back!

No fake "food safety" bill can hide the fact that America's food is not safe; effective Global Codex Push Back mean safer food on your plate!

Consider that we have been invited by the Panama government to participate in the Food Fair in Santiago de Panama this week, presenting our BeyondOrganic concepts to the President of the Republci (who owns the largest food store chain in the country) and we will also be representing the Panamanian authorities and the Panama Organics Producers Association at the Peru Latin American and Caribbean Food Production meeting in early September, and then, travelling for Health and Food Freedom again, in Serbia later in September (for an Int'l Safe Food Meeting).

Additionally, Natural Solutions Foundation attends several Codex meetings each year for you.

Well, now we have multiple opportunities to attend international meetings as the representatives of you, our net roots constitunecy! This is a significant opportunity to raise our international profile to protect your internationalized food supply!

The Natural Solutions Foundation is now the International Arm of the Association of Organic Producers of Panama (APAO) and, at the request of the Ministry of Agricultural Development (MIDA) and APAO, we will be attending an important international meeting in Peru in a few weeks as their representatives and as your representative!

If you make this possible.

Panama and its 1000 organic growers have zero budget for this activity. That is why, despite their strong interest, they have not been able to move forward with these sorts of initiatives.

Until now. Until the Natural Solutions Foundation and the Valley fo the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project came into their lives and they came into ours...

This is the significant anti-Codex opportunity we know we need.

So, here is the question: Are we ready as a community of interest, to make this happen?

Is your committment strong enough and real enough to pledge enough money to make it possible for your voice to ring loud on the international scene and create the dynamic to overturn, reverse and reform Codex berfore it kills us?

How do you show that commitment?

With your wallet.

Right here, right now. Click the link below to set up your recurring donation.

Recurring Donations:

One time donation to fund Codex actions:

Give deep. Give meaningflully. Because the stakes are high and have never been higher. We know times are tough. We know that food and health and freedom are precious. Now we need you to dig deeper and help more. Together we can make this happen!

It's your money and your life. You choose.

For Health, Food and Freedom,

Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert


Dr. Rima Recommends...

Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project is Crucial to Winning the War for YOUR Health Freedom

Special Message From Foundation President Maj. General Albert N. Stubblebine III

The Rules of Engagement

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Thanks for being a part of the Health Freedom RE-Evolution! It's your health, your body, your choice! And thank you for helping to keep health freedom free! Your tax deductible recurring donation is much needed and greatly appreciated!

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation

Aroma Therapy and Your Health!


Dr. Rima has designed 3 very special
Dietary Supplement Mind Enhancement Packs!
To learn more, or to try the products, go to:

Cognitive Enhancement
"News & Specials" list the three Dr. Rima Packs
For more Details about the Packs:

YodolePhone Donates to Health Freedom USA
for each member, monthly.

YES! The Marketplace is BACK!

Natural Solutions Marketplace

Nano Silver: The Universal Antibiotic

StemEnhance: Increase Your Stem Cell Population Naturally

Detox Your Cells Naturally

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

An Update on My Mobile Monopoly Review

I’d like to start off this post with an apology. I jumped the gun with my past review and issued a positive recommendation without fully trying out the program. Well, I finally had a chance to put Mobile Monopoly’s methods to work and I was SEVERELY disappointed. I know I should have waited and for that I apologize.
In my original Mobile Monopoly post, I said I was worried about the program’s effectiveness because I’ve been following progress in mobile advertising and as far as I knew, it wasn’t profitable just yet. Then came Adam Horwitz with Mobile Monopoly and made the claims that mobile advertising was not only profitable, but insanely easy. Honestly, I’m a bit disappointed in myself because I usually never get wrapped up in hype and I should have trusted my gut instincts. I was excited and already planning my retirement when I first started my review. Things have quickly gone sour since.
I hate to report that I have no statistics to share with you, but keep reading and you’ll see why.

Adam’s “Proven” Campaigns

One of the biggest things that enticed me to the program was the fact that Adam offered to show you the exact profitable campaigns he’s ran in the past. I never entirely expected them to work as well as I thought he was going to advertise. I had thought that if he was giving away campaigns that once made money, they’re no longer profitable.
In my last post, I offered to sacrifice some money and follow one of Adam’s “proven” campaigns word for word, but this turned out to be a huge problem for many reasons.
Let’s get started.
First, Adam calls them proven campaigns, but there’s absolutely nothing proven AT ALL. I was expecting to see a few statistics about each campaign. You know click through rates, cost per click, conversion rates, earnings, ANYTHING AT ALL REALLY, but no. Adam offers nothing in terms of proof that these campaigns have made him money. Instead, each video is just Adam seemingly picking an affiliate offer at random and then shows you how to setup a campaign for it and THAT’S IT. Adam doesn’t even show you if the campaign was approved by the ad network! He just copies and pastes a bunch of text into different fields and calls it a proven campaign.
Okay, fine. Whatever.
For the sake of continuing I went with the assumption that Adam was a private guy and didn’t want to show his earnings as an affiliate for whatever reason. I really wanted some evidence for the review as to whether or not the program worked and was still going to test one of the seven campaigns. Unfortunately, four of the affiliate offers used for the proven campaigns no longer existed. Of the three remaining, two were negative option offers that I absolutely refuse to market. The only campaign left for me to promote was for the Shake Weight for Men. It was a less than ideal choice, but I promised you guys results.
I followed Adam’s process step-by-step. I used similar titles and pictures for my ads, targeted the same demographics, and bid the same amount of money. I submitted the ad and waited for AdMob to approve it. It took a few hours, but they finally responded with…
Unfortunately, we were unable to approve your ad for the following reason(s):
Issue: Content guidelines violation
Description: This ad was not approved because it violates our content guidelines. Please review AdMob’s content guidelines for more information.
Well that sucks. I thought it might have been my wording so I replaced the ad title with the exact one Adam used and resubmitted it. Again, it was disapproved. After asking some questions, I found out that the Shake Weight website is not mobile optimized and therefore wasn’t allowed to be advertised on the ad network and that was it for the “proven” campaigns. They didn’t work and there was never any proof that Adam has actually used them to make money.
It was very disappointing.

My Own Campaigns

The proven campaigns may not have worked, but I figured I’d try and start my own campaign. I picked a couple different offers, created ads, but they were ALL rejected. I was following Adam’s advice step-by-step and could not get an ad approved.
I started searching the web for answers and found a few forum discussions regarding Mobile Monopoly. Apparently a lot of people are having trouble getting ads approved and even if they managed to get an ad live, they fail to attract customers and make any money. There was one particular person who did manage to try out Adam’s proven campaign and ended up losing a lot of money.
To be honest, the disapproval of my ads was kind of a blessing. I’d rather like to keep my money instead of wasting it on someone else’s bad advice.

The Bottom Line

Adam Horwitz is really good at selling. A few months ago he released a different mobile marketing product call “Cell Phone Treasure.” It was another product that sold a ton, but user reports with the program claimed the methods just didn’t work. Apparently, Mobile Monopoly is just a rehash of that program with a few small changes.
His mobile marketing advice didn’t work then and it isn’t working now.
At no point in the entire program does Adam give any real concrete proof to mobile campaigns that work. To be honest, I don’t think Adam is making a lot of money, if any at all really, with mobile advertising. In his training videos, his affiliate earnings column is either $0.00 or a low number. This made me go back and recheck his sales page. All of the screenshots of his “earnings” are through Clickbank or Paypal. Adam never shows A SINGLE EARNINGS SCREENSHOT from any one of the mobile advertising platforms he recommends. If he was really making a fortune by doing this, don’t you think he’d want to show some proof? But alas, he offers nothing.
I really wanted to like the program, but in the end, it was just another over-hyped ClickBank product that offers little in terms of actual training. Adam frequently says that you “can make a killing” doing this or doing that but never gives ANY real direction. I paid Adam $77 expecting real training. Instead, what I got was some guy telling me it’s possible to make money through mobile advertising. That’s nice, but I really wanted something of use.
Don’t buy into the hype.
Stay away from Mobile Monopoly.