February 28, 2011
On Monday, February 28th, the New York State Senate will be voting on a bill to add 50 more Red Light cameras in Nassau county - adding to the existing cameras in New York City and Long Island. Their plan is to spread these cameras county by county throughout the state as a means to increase revenue while drastically increasing risk to you and your family's safety. Call your state senator today and let them know they should vote no on adding more Red Light cameras to our state and should instead ban them entirely.
Red light cameras are an effective means for local governments to raise money to pay for their out of control budgets.
Many citizens wrongly believe the use of these cameras promotes safety and targets "law-breakers" - making the cameras a "public good."
Studies have suggested the number of collisions increase by 54% to 65% in intersections where these cameras are used, as motorists who fear a ticket slam on their brakes and cause rear-end collisions.
Reports from across the country - and right here at home - seem to support the claim that the timing of yellow lights is shortened at many of the intersections where these cameras exist.
And what about those law-breakers? According to our friends at CameraFraud, "There is no independent oversight to ensure the accuracy of the cameras and sensors."
These cameras take photos of license plates. The registered owner then receives a ticket in the mail - regardless of whether or not he or she was the driver that triggered the camera to snap the photo. The owner of the car is then in the position of having to prove himself innocent in a country where the law insists the burden of proof should be on the state.
New York State, county, and municipality authorities have implemented the installation of Red Light automated traffic ticketing systems in a number of locations and are now seeking to expand to more counties and eventually throughout New York State. The supporters of these systems claim it aids in safety, but numerous studies show it significantly increases both injury and fatal accidents.
In 2005, The Washington Post found:
"The analysis shows that the number of crashes at locations with cameras more than doubled, from 365 collisions in 1998 to 755 last year. Injury and fatal crashes climbed 81 percent, from 144 such wrecks to 262. Broadside crashes, also known as right-angle or T-bone collisions, rose 30 percent, from 81 to 106 during that time frame."
A 2007 Virginia Department of Transportation study found:
"The cameras were associated with an increase in total crashes... The aggregate EB results suggested that this increase was 29%... The cameras were associated with an increase in the frequency of injury crashes... The aggregate EB results suggested an 18% increase, although the point estimates for individual jurisdictions were substantially higher (59%, 79%, or 89% increases) or lower (6% increase or a 5% decrease)."
A 2008 University of South Florida report found:
"Comprehensive studies conclude cameras actually increase crashes and injuries, providing a safety argument not to install them.... public policy should avoid conflicts of interest that enhance revenues for government and private interests at the risk of public safety."
Other counties and states throughout the United States have started to ban Red Light cameras, as they have been shown to cause more danger and higher costs to the public, and New York needs to follow suit.
Call your state senator NOW to tell them they should ban the use of these Red Light cameras that put the lives of your family, friends, and neighbors at risk. Then forward this email to your friends and other concerned New Yorkers and groups to get the word out and stop this danger.
You can find your senator at: http://www.congress.org/congressorg/officials/congress/
Enter your address or Zip Code to find your NY State Senator (right side). Click on your Legislator and click on the contact tab to get their phone number.
Tell them to vote NO on bill S2580-2011, as national studies show these automated cameras significantly increase injury and fatal accidents.
Finally, forward this email to friends and other active groups.
For freedom,
Steven Vasquez
NY State Coordinator
Campaign for Liberty
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